Growing Up With My Baby Girl

It feels like I have known this little girl for a long time but it has only been 7 months. We are so thankful to have this fishball in our lives. Everyday I will tell J


Should I have appointment that day we will race each other to go home first so we can carry her in our arms! She is also very sticky to her Mother me🙂 #overlyattachedmotheranddaughter

She can sit very firmly already! From a tiny little baby to my big big baby, these seven months have been awesome! As she grows, we grow with her too! When she hits every milestone, we clap for her! Charlotte can now babble little words like “da da da”, “mum mum (food)”, “pa pa”, “Ma Ma”. (when she really really needs me🙄) and “EH!”, “AHHHHHH!” ~

We love this little fishball so much! We are hoping Time slows down, cos she smells so nice and she is too cute now~ we can’t wait to celebrate more milestones with her!

About Allie

Like a green star in the sky. Sometimes the smallest things takes up the biggest room in your heart.
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